Who are we?

We’re a service to the New Orleans’ community to help guide everyone on cheap, affordable, budget lifestyles. Cheap Finds New Orleans will cover the New Orleans’ region and beyond. Budgets can range in size and we’ll try to cover all we can. Our mission is to build a reputation as a safe, reliable, and community-oriented source for New Orleans, the surrounding area, and visitors. We have an additional focus on providing resources to empower the community and help everyone be a part of the City to thrive.

Cheap Finds New Orleans is a very small team with other jobs to pay the bills with plenty of distractions. Therefore, we appreciate your patience while we build this business on a very small budget. Our funding comes from affiliate links, sponsorships, donations, and advertising. And we look forward to engaging with you and helping the city of New Orleans become a little more affordable.

Feel free to use the contact form to leave us suggestions, compliments, or complaints. Always feel free to follow us on Instagram and Facebook. We will have a mailing list shortly.
